Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fitbit fail

Those who have read my other fitbit related posts, know that I've had my fitbit since mid January 2013.  I wear it non-stop, even most nights to bed.  I'm odd enough that I feel like I'm not getting "credit" for physical activity if I'm not wearing it.  I should be fitbit's best & worst customer all at the same time.  I'm not super thrilled about my most recent fail with the fitbit.

OK, so its not the most important failure ever, but its still quite annoying.  The black plastic piece of my clip came off.  I'm pretty sure that this is a problem that should never happen.  We have engineers that can solve these sorts of things!

Nothing to do but order another one for $9.95 + $3.98 S&H.  Fun fun.

Update 2014-07-04:
The second cover that I had been using over the last year has finally given up the ghost.  While it did last longer than the first, the mode of failure was the same (the plastic piece at the end of the clip came off).  Annoying.  Here are the pictures of the old and new one - the design does seem to have been refined, though for me it mostly means its tougher to get the fitbit into the clip.

The rubber ripping and then peeling back has been an annoying issue for some time, but not a big enough deal to warrant replacement.  The plastic piece missing at the end is too painful to live with for long.

New one is on the right

Also annoying is that the price of a new one has gone up.  To $14.95 on Amazon (+ tax in the state that I live in).  I ordered a new one, but declined to get a new sleep wristband (that also needs to be replaced).  I found another product that looks like it will do a better job and cost less.  I'm considering buying this, instead:

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