Friday, January 3, 2014

A Failure to Broadcast

I blogged before about doing some outdoor wifi so that I could use my outdoor stereo system.  While this setup worked in the testing phase, it turned out not to work after everything was installed.  It also had the disadvantage that I could no longer use my Aria wifi scale - setting up the Amped Wireless SR10000 required me to turn off the wifi band that the scale depended on.  After I had figured out the system wasn't working, I switch my Apple network back to including the missing band (I think it was g).  I've been bouncing around in my head how to solve this problem and just recently concluded that I should just use another Apple product.

To be clear, what I mean to set up is another AirPort Extreme (APE) extending my Apple-based wireless network to the outside.  The key, though is the ability to get the external antenna hooked up to my APE.  This is where the research came into play.  And I will admit, it was slow going on my end.

I did find a website that sells modified APEs, but they were substantially marked up (to roughly $135). [I can't find the link at the moment, but when I do, I will link it]. This was way more than I wanted to spend, so I kept looking.  Eventually, I found this installation guide on  While the site also sells the connectors, I decided to hunt around for them elsewhere; I am much more interested in buying on a trusted site.  Amazon didn't let me down - I found just what I needed.  Free shipping, too.  That said the shipping time is between 17 and 28 days.  No worries, though, I need this for summer not for the present.

Right now, here is a view of my network configuration (with a big thank you to Gliffy - of which I'm a big fan), click through to get the full-sized version:

I'm thinking that I'll I will need to do is find a 10/100 Mbps repeater and replace the APE with that and then move my APE into the box hanging off of my eve.  The APE then would be directly connected to the large, externally mounted antenna.  From there, I'd up the power level to the max and see how my wifi coverage looks throughout the house and outside.  If I need the additional interior coverage, I will purchase another APE and place where my existing one is.  I'm debating whether or not I really need a Gigabit switch, or if 10/100 Mbps will be sufficient (and I think I have one lying around).  I think that will be the first attempt and then if it doesn't work, I'll look at purchasing a $40 5 Port Gigabit switch.

A minor change to the configuration represented below (and a more complete representation of the network, including wireless devices and labeled cable runs):

I think that's a pretty full network - 50 devices directly connected.  And I'm guessing that I don't have the most of folks out there.


Unknown said...

Hi Matt,

Did you get your Fitbit Aria scale working with your Amped SR1000 extender? I'm finding I cannot get my Aria working with the SR1000.

Thank You,


Unknown said...

Hi Matt,

Did you get your Fitbit Aria scale working with your Amped SR1000 extender? I'm finding I cannot get my Aria working with the SR1000.

Thank You,


Unknown said...


Sorry for the spam. I just realized I was passing the captcha tests while I was under the impression I was failing. My mistake.


Mark B. said...

I was not able to get my scale working with the SR1000. I have given up with the SR1000. Bought some internal antennas for my Airport and will boost the power on that and connect to my large external antenna. Hopefully, that will give me the wi-fi coverage that I'm going for.
-- Mark