Sunday, January 6, 2013

Eat What You Want!

I can't help but pass along a link I saw today about a fantastic idea (not totally serious) to hook up a tube to ones stomach to immediately remove some of that high calorie food that one has ingested.  The article was linked from Marginal Revolution (one of my favorite blogs to follow).  The link is here.  As the brief article describes, there are some complications with its use.  In addition to a massive ick factor.  That said, it seems to be much better than forcing oneself to throw up (my least favorite biological activity of all time).  I guess you get to enjoy all the benefits of the tasty food and indulgence without any of the negative consequences.

It is similar, but perhaps more direct, than an idea that I've been espousing for the last few years: a device that one would hook up at night that would filter or otherwise remove excess fat or sugars in ones blood (similar to a plasma machine, but presumably, much simpler/costly).  If human fat were of any economic value, this idea would be money.

Or as it turns out, there is some value in people not being ridiculously obese.  Maybe some day under our new "affordable care" regime, people above a certain BMI will be forced to wear one of these devices.

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