Friday, May 3, 2013

Boogie Board - So close . . .

I am (un)fortunate enough to get the SmartHome email ads sent to me.  Its a store that have bought a few things at and has an interesting variety of gadgets.  It has been helpful when buying some of my Z-wave home automation devices.  Today, I got an email with a Improv Electronics Boogie Board JOT 8.5 LCD eWriter.  It looked intriguing (and this is not a category of device I've spent much time with), so I checked it out.

Desired Feature Set:

  • Long battery life
  • Reasonably good writing capture / pen
  • Ability to have notes go into a cloud-based account over Wi-fi.  Think, I'm at the grocery store and my wife writes a quick list of items for me to get.  Hits the JOT button, the app on my phone beeps and I see her list.  Instant sharing.  For that matter, allow pictures (via the app or the website) to be shared via Facebook or any other social media network of the day.
  • Ability to export notes as PDFs and TIF/BMPs and as rastor images.

Actual Feature Set:

It appears that the first two features are there - though I haven't played with this in person.  However, all you can do is hit the JOT button and store a page.  Then, when you are done writing notes, then you can upload to a computer (via USB).  Wow.

What a big miss.  My scale has wi-fi and sends data to the cloud.  Note that I'm aware that they are integrated in a fashion with EverNote.  Good for them, but its not the same.

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