Friday, July 19, 2013

Waiting for Technology [Draft]

I had a grand vision about eight months ago of setting up my home entertainment system to be controlled exclusively by my iPad that is sitting next to the couch.  I have a relatively recent Pioneer receiver (a VSX-1022) for which they have thoughtfully created an iPhone app.  However, it is less obvious how I would control my Roku, my Blu-Ray player or my Fios cable box.  Ideally, it'd all be integrated, too.

I looked around and found some options and ultimately think that I'll need some hardware to pull this off (likely a GlobalCache IP2IR box), but then some good software.  I concluded after poking around for several months that there were no solutions that I found reasonably easy and cost efficient.  I will wait for something better to come along.

That got me thinking about how frequently it is the right answer to wait.  Particularly, when you are looking at an environment where multiple devices need to work together (a system).  To not enter into the market because something will come out in the not too distant future that will better server your needs.  If you are going to wait, I guess you probably have to believe all or most of the following:

  1. There are people & companies working on the problem you are looking to solve
  2. The solutions will likely be better.
  3. Its more of an integration issue than the development of any particular technology.

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