Thursday, March 21, 2019

More Love for the 935

I still love my Garmin ForeRunner 935.  You can read here about my initial love affair, but I'm now 16 months into ownership and I feel the same way.  It continues to be an awesome watch.

Here is what I continue to like:

  1. Battery life: always good.  It's never died on me.  Fantastic.
  2. Heart Rate Accuracy: seems spot on when wearing my heart rate strap.
  3. Ecosystem: It's fairly well developed.  A lot to like about the software that will integrate (like MyFitnessPal, which I just signed up for).  Appears to be able to integrate new items like the Humon Hex (if I get around to buying it) easily.
  4. Customizability of Watch Face: I've gotten stuck on the one I like, but it's great to know that I can choose whatever I want and many (most) for free.

Here are new things I like:

  1. QuickFit: I just upgraded to the QuickFit band.  Though I am finding myself most typically just wearing the black band in the package of three that I bought on Amazon for $25, I like having the option.  I also have a black metal band for situations where I need to be a bit fancier.  It was not expensive, nor were the non-Garmin plastic bands.  Happy to have the option to pay full price for the Garmin-branded bands or not.
  2. OK, maybe it's just one thing.  But I like it a lot.

Here is what I would change about it:

  1. HRM Tri: Mine died and never gave me notice that the battery was low.  Took me a while to figure out (arguably I was being stupid).  There should be better messaging here.  Even eventually an email saying, "Hey, we've missed your HRM Tri recently from your workouts.  Is everything OK?"
  2. Default Elliptical Activity: It doesn't capture enough information.  Seems obvious that it should have cadence given that you are given credit for the "steps" taken during the workout.  I can buy a better one, but feel like I shouldn't have to.  This is too obvious.
  3. Cheaper Power Meters: But, alas, this is not a Garmin issue, just generally an issue.
  4. Easier Integration with Treadmills: Yes, many of us don't love the dreadmill, I get it.  That said, why can't Garmin Connect when running on my phone connect via Bluetooth to the treadmill (or to the Life Fitness app) and get my treadmill milage instead of assuming it from my cadence?
  5. Better Reporting: There are some genuinely useful reports provided on the Garmin Connect site about yourself.  Having now over a year worth of data,  I can see trends in the data.  But most of that is confirming what I already knew (last summer was a slow, slow time for me from a physical activity standpoint).  My activity counts and calories along with my VO2max all reflect this.  What other reports could be provided that are useful.  Encouragement along the way?  Learn "normal" behavior and encourage user to keep at it?
  6. Easier Spin Bike Pairing: I've gotten into a rut when I do spinning at my gym now.  If it is in a class, I'm on bike #23.  If it is on my own, I'm on the bike on the left.  This ensures I don't have to fiddle with pairing issues.  Which are still not dealt with super well, IMHO.  There must be an easier way, especially to avoid unintended pairings when in a class full of bikes with power meters.
This has largely been a data dump of my current thinking.  I am interested to see how it evolves over time!

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