Monday, February 17, 2014

What is the hype about sapphire lens covers?

I am a reasonably disgruntled iPhone 5 photographer.  I, like many others, will use the camera often.  But for me, its always with a tinge of regret that I didn't plan ahead and have one of my better cameras with me.  Even a 10 MP four year old Olympus Stylus 1030SW is better than my iPhone if only because the optics are not fixed.

So with that as a background, it really bothers me when one of the supposed benefits of the iPhone 5, its Sapphire lens cover is crap.  I don't care how high on the hardness scale this stuff is supposed to be, it scratches and leaves behind crappy artifacts, such as in the picture below.  There are no fewer than six visible problems currently.  It is particularly notable on a ski trip.

Perhaps this is a problem of not only knowing how to protect some part of your device, but being OK with the failure mode.  I'd say that this is a big fail for Apple.

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