Friday, May 16, 2014

Another Quick Thought on Solar

There are some exciting successes in the world of solar recently.  But those successes, at least the ones that I consider successful, are not occurring in North America or Europe.  They are happening in Africa.  Solar Aid just announced that it had sold its one millionth solar light in Africa.  Quite impressive and I think that their business model / aid model is a sensible one.

What is noteworthy about this success?

  • It took time and a lot of effort to educate people: the standard lighting option for many folks in Africa is a kerosene lamp.  This is reasonably cheap upfront, but then has on-going marginal costs in terms of fuel, time (getting fuel) and health (fumes).  A fair amount of work had to go into convincing people to make a relatively large investment for a solar light, but then face no marginal costs.
  • Adoption can come quickly: Solar Aid is using a standard distribution approach, paying merchants, etc. to sell their goods.  Their goal is to get life-improving solar powered devices to as wide a range of people as quickly as possible, so this make sense.  Once people understand that solar is cheaper (the education work has been done), they will make the right choice and adopt quickly.  1 million is impressive, but I'm guessing that there will be a flood of solar in Africa in the next couple of years.
  • Adoption is happening because it is the best option:  This is good and bad.  Bad from the standpoint that solar is still relatively expensive (do the math as a US-based electricity customer and there is no way you beat your local utility without subsidies).  We have better options here in the US and its too bad that they do not in Africa.  But, it is awesome that they are getting better options that should have positive benefits from a human health and welfare perspective (strong parallels to mobile phone technology?).  I continue to be a believer that technology has the potential to help the planet's billion poorest people, many of whom live in Africa.  Technology, along with a vision and drive to make people's lives better (which I think can come from both a profit perspective, or as in the case of Solar Aid, from an altruistic perspective).
  • It remains to be seen how long the solar lights/batteries actually last: my guess is that there will be a substantial amount of variation in quality of these cheap lights (they need to be - very price sensitive application).  Hopefully, there are not bad apple manufacturers that pollute the market with crappy lights and thus dampen customer adoption.  Overall, I remain optimistic.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Road as Solar System

I ran across (on Reddit, I think) the concept of embedding solar cells in the road.  There is currently an Indiegogo campaign for Solar Roadways.  Interesting concept but seemingly just out of touch with reality.  Their super low funding level seems to validate my view of the lack of public enthusiasm for the idea.  That and the payback for the supporters is essentially just feeling good about themselves.

Their lack of reality comes in to the notion of just how much money per mile their approach would cost.  Its inconceivably high.  This is a great concept for:

  • Walking areas around parks and museums that want some evening / nighttime lighting effects
  • Parking lot surfaces for high end / super eco-friendly locations
  • Rooftop bar surfaces
  • (more if I can think of them)
Its great to want to change the world, but even better to have a good sense of how to build out your product and expertise and scale.  Our roads will not be lined with solar panels anytime soon, but there are undoubtedly applications where these would be sought-after.  Start there - get some marquis clients that are willing to take a chance.  The Louvre, the Met, etc.

Home Generation Systems

I would really like to have backup power at my house, but I'm not currently willing to pay $10k to install a propane fueled generator that would then require $4/gal propane to run it.  It turns out that gets pretty expensive pretty quickly.  What to do instead?

Alternatives to the Grid

Off the top of my head, I think the following could be alternatives:
  • Backup generator
  • Large-scale battery storage system
  • Solar system
  • Wind system
  • Combined wind/solar system
  • A big hole (Potential energy conversion system)
Let's explore each in turn.

Backup Generator

I'm pretty lazy and would just want my house to work in the event of a short-term grid collapse.  I'd be looking for a whole-house backup generator.  For my 400 amp service, I'm probably looking at $10k in capital costs (based on my initial discussions and research) and then more for on-going maintenance to ensure it actually comes on when I want it to.  It'd be more compelling if it were a combined heat and power (CHP) application, but that is not easily integrated into my house.  Some believe backup generators to be a bad idea.  I tend to agree.  Expensive and might not actually be there when you need it to be.  I'd prefer a simpler solution.

Large-scale Battery Storage System

I'm not an expert here, but it appears that large-ish scale batteries are costing on the order of $600/kWh of storage.  I use around 2,000 kWh during a non-summer month.  I'd be looking for something to last me at least two days.  So for that (on average) we are talking about:

2,000 (kWh/month) / 730 (hours/average month) * 48 hours = 131.5 kWh

So for that size battery, it would cost (just for the battery):

$600/kWh * 131.5 kWh = $78,900

Wowsers.  That's a big hurdle for something that will be used quite infrequently.  No.  Not going to work.  And that is before any of the balance of plant costs (e.g., electrical connections, installation, maintenance).  

Some have suggested that battery costs are going to decline steeply in the coming years down to $200/kWh and there have been sitings of Volt battery packs as low as $144/kWh.  The latter sounds like some dumping and the former sounds optimistic given that Tesla's retail price for their larger battery pack is $517/kWh.  But even at 1/4 the cost, the above battery system is still expensive at almost $20,000.  Maybe some start to see that as reasonable, but I'm not sure that I do.

Solar system / Wind / Combined Wind/Solar

I'm combining all of these because they share the same weaknesses.  You just don't know for sure if they will be there when you need them.  These won't really work unless you combine them with a battery system.  The advantage of the combination would be that you can reduce the size of the battery by the amount of "guaranteed" output from your combined wind/solar system in addition to offsetting your power usage under normal operating conditions.  The downside is that the cost per kWh of residential scale solar and wind is quite high.  Well above the 10¢ or 11¢ that I'm currently paying Dominion.  I think that this would work if I lived in the middle of nowhere and didn't want to pay to connect to the grid in the first place, but I'm already there.

Potential Energy Conversion System

I'm talking about something here that I have no idea about, pretty much just making things up.  Bear with me, they are good ideas :)  First off, I'm not talking about installing a new section of road in front of your house and harvesting energy of the passing cars.  Though, if you could get away with it and have a reasonably busy road in front of your house, it might be a great idea.  I'm thinking about two ideas: car ramp and a suspended (very heavy) weight.

Car Ramps

The idea is reasonably simple.  I think there is a good chance the power could go off tonight, so when I get home, I park my car in a very specific spot in the driveway.  I then raise the vehicle.  In the event that the power goes out, the vehicle starts to descend, its potential energy being converted into electrical energy powering the house.  This is the concept in graphical form:

Let's do the math to see what we've got here:

6,078 lbs * 6 ft = 36,468 ft-lb * 3.76616097 × 10-7 kilowatt hours/ft-lb = 14 Wh

The problem here is that I'm short by a factor of 10,000.  So despite me wanting it to work, its just not going to.  There just isn't much here unless we can dramatically increase the weight or the distance.  My car isn't going to get any heavier (thank goodness - an Expedition is super heavy as it is).

Big Hole - Gravity Power Module

As shown here, I could, with just a six meter diameter hole, have ~ 9 MWh of energy at my house.  Presumably this could scale down measurably, given that I would only need about 1/8 of a MWh (1/72nd the amount of power).  So maybe only a 1 meter whole would do the trick.  But we'd still have to drill down 500 meters.  That is a long ways, but we could double the area of the hole to half the depth.  I'm sure it would work if the concept was developed enough for commercial adoption, but its not going to be cheap in the short-run.


At this point, there really doesn't seem to be any cost-competitive back-up systems to the grid.  This may be a compliment to the engineering that has gone into central station power-based systems, but I think that it is the current reality.  However, how might the environment change, if only on the margin over the coming years?  Might be interesting to think about.

Residential Thermal Solar: This already makes sense and yet people aren't using it (widely) to offset energy usage otherwise.  Natural gas and power are too cheap.  This will be a much bigger deal when (if) gas and power get substantially more expensive.

Residential PV Solar: This will absolutely explode when the unsubsidized cost per kWh of solar is roughly equal (and has the prospective chance of being lower with future fuel cost increases) to the local power company.  Many will jump at the chance.   A few changes will make it even more compelling.  When we cross the threshold of 5% to 10% of residences have solar systems, the real estate community will figure out a way for them to get recognized in the sale price of the house.  Changes to the residential rate structure may make this point in time bleed out 50 years or so (we get charged a variable price for many fixed costs - as people drop off the grid or reduce their variable consumption with no change in the fixed costs - the structure will have to change - see the pain that is predicted in California in the next couple of years).  I'd still rather have a solar stirling engine in the front yard.  Talk about yard art.

Electric Vehicles: If I already have an 85 kWh battery pack in the form of my car, maybe my backup system is my car(s).  Two of them would more than cover my two day costs.  Still doesn't address the (electrical) cost of starting motors, but there are likely capacitor-based solutions to this.

Wide-Spread CHP: If I could have a mini-turbine in my furnace where the exhaust was being used to heat my air as well as my hot water, and do it at a reasonable price, I would.  Freewatt looked like a system that could have fit my needs, if the company hadn't gone away.  Somebody else will do it.  If it costs 50% of the current projected costs ($25k), I might be willing to pay the 200% premium over a normal furnace.  Not a whole-house backup circuit, but it'd run the furnaces and refrigerators and some lights.  That'd (probably) be enough.

The Future of Automobiles

I have been following with some interest the shenanigans in New Jersey and their automobile dealer franchise laws.  This article on Wired briefly touches on it and then goes further to discuss just how disruptive electric cars could be from a service standpoint.  They argue that it could be a big deal.  And I agree that it could matter to some degree.  But what could really shake things up in the auto industry?  Here are my thoughts.

Potential Disruptors

  • Elimination of dealer franchise protection
  • Electrification of vehicles
  • Modularization of vehicle electronics
  • Modularization of the vehicle platform
  • Integration into whole home electrical systems

Monday, May 5, 2014

Your Very Own Tricorder?

So I know the Scio (ski - o) is not a tricorder, but wow, we seem to be getting close!  I so want one despite having no earthly reason to have one.  I'm pretty sure that I could come up with reasons.  And they will be good ones.  The future of gadgetry is looking mighty fine.

That said, I still want something much like this that can peer into my body and tell me what in the world is going on.  This has to exist at some point in the not too distant future.  I envision a 3D hand-held ultrasonic probe that connects to your iPhone or iPad and maps out all of the goodies in your body, including tendons and food stuffs in your intestine.  Not sure how much I want to be buzzing it around my head, but pretty much everywhere else would be great.

Here are some of the things where I think that this data could be useful in clarifying:

  • Body fat (both overall composition, but local compositions as well, being able to distinguish bad and good kinds of fat).
  • Tendon inflammation.  After my 30 mile bike ride, are my hamstrings really inflamed or am I just being a wimp?
  • Muscle mass: am I gaining where I'm working?  How is my muscle balance (compared to some sort of idea?) across my body?
  • What is going on in my knees?  Should I work them less hard or do I just need some sort of adjustment of the cartilage?
  • How much poopage is in my gut?  Is it too much / too little for healthy digestion?
  • Any plaque hanging around in my arteries?
What else?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Jet Fuel from Thin Air

That's what they say here about a new process to combine some hot gases (heated by solar activity) into kerosene that could be used to power airplanes.  While the stated efficiency is terrible (1.7%), it is an intriguing thought about our non-fossil fuel future.  Perhaps Saudi Arabia will still be the world's producer of oil (or refined products), but because of their vast desert and great solar resources rather than the endowment in the ground?  Perhaps, but at an estimated square kilometer for enough kerosene to take a 787 across the US, you are going to have some seriously intensive land use.  I will probably not be self-supplying my own gasoline from a solar plant in my front yard (though I love the idea).