Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Road as Solar System

I ran across (on Reddit, I think) the concept of embedding solar cells in the road.  There is currently an Indiegogo campaign for Solar Roadways.  Interesting concept but seemingly just out of touch with reality.  Their super low funding level seems to validate my view of the lack of public enthusiasm for the idea.  That and the payback for the supporters is essentially just feeling good about themselves.

Their lack of reality comes in to the notion of just how much money per mile their approach would cost.  Its inconceivably high.  This is a great concept for:

  • Walking areas around parks and museums that want some evening / nighttime lighting effects
  • Parking lot surfaces for high end / super eco-friendly locations
  • Rooftop bar surfaces
  • (more if I can think of them)
Its great to want to change the world, but even better to have a good sense of how to build out your product and expertise and scale.  Our roads will not be lined with solar panels anytime soon, but there are undoubtedly applications where these would be sought-after.  Start there - get some marquis clients that are willing to take a chance.  The Louvre, the Met, etc.

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