Monday, May 5, 2014

Your Very Own Tricorder?

So I know the Scio (ski - o) is not a tricorder, but wow, we seem to be getting close!  I so want one despite having no earthly reason to have one.  I'm pretty sure that I could come up with reasons.  And they will be good ones.  The future of gadgetry is looking mighty fine.

That said, I still want something much like this that can peer into my body and tell me what in the world is going on.  This has to exist at some point in the not too distant future.  I envision a 3D hand-held ultrasonic probe that connects to your iPhone or iPad and maps out all of the goodies in your body, including tendons and food stuffs in your intestine.  Not sure how much I want to be buzzing it around my head, but pretty much everywhere else would be great.

Here are some of the things where I think that this data could be useful in clarifying:

  • Body fat (both overall composition, but local compositions as well, being able to distinguish bad and good kinds of fat).
  • Tendon inflammation.  After my 30 mile bike ride, are my hamstrings really inflamed or am I just being a wimp?
  • Muscle mass: am I gaining where I'm working?  How is my muscle balance (compared to some sort of idea?) across my body?
  • What is going on in my knees?  Should I work them less hard or do I just need some sort of adjustment of the cartilage?
  • How much poopage is in my gut?  Is it too much / too little for healthy digestion?
  • Any plaque hanging around in my arteries?
What else?

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