Thursday, August 14, 2014

Any Room for Us Humans?

My son made me sit down and watch the below video entitled, Humans Need Not Apply.  I'm not sure I agree 100% with his conclusions, but I think generally, he is on target.  I passed this link along to Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution and he included in his recent assorted links.

Enjoy the video first, and if you care to, check out my thoughts below.

For me, the question is more of not if, but when.  When does this really matter?  Here are my initial questions/thoughts (with some structure):

  • What are the reasons that this won't happen?
    • Luddites?
    • How will regulatory structures evolve to support or thwart the use of robots in various rolls?
    • "Hand made"
    • What will frighten people when they see it in action?
  • How significant would it be if just one sector (transportation) were fully automated?
    • Will we start consuming more?
  • Does this lead to more or less energy consumption?
    • Can we afford to spend more of our income on expensive renewable energy as a result?
  • Who gains the most?  Who loses the most?
    • Professions, in particular
    • Wealth distribution implications?
    • What government structures facilitate or thwart this outcome?
  • Do third world countries fall that much further behind?
    • Does this further increase the immigration pressures?
  • Can software really be written by 'bots?
    • We can barely get OOP done right and its been 30 years . . .
  • How does this disrupt the economies of scale in manufacturing?
    • Shouldn't it be just as cheap to locate flexible assembly robots closer to customers and minimize your supply chain length?
    • What are non-scale driven activities (or modestly scale driven)?
  • How can I be a meaningful part of making this happen?
  • How will we spend our money differently in such a robot-dominated world?
    • Will "live" be at an even higher premium?
  • Is creativity really just an illusion?
    • If so, why isn't more pseudo-creative work being generated by computers / expert systems already?
      • Music can be done, but can lyrics, as well?
      • The human voice?
  • In what ways will we seek out collective experiences in the future that are different from now?
  • Will this lead to more or fewer people on the planet?
  • Is this future an anathema to freedom?
  • What are the next set of questions that we should be asking as a species?
    • Is exploration (of earth, then space) a sufficient focusing force?
    • Does health science provide enough upside to continue to develop improvements in the treatment of disease and elongation of life?

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